How to Download and Run R Scripts for Power BI
Power BI is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. But did you know that you can also use R scripts to create custom visuals and perform advanced analytics in Power BI? R is a popular language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. In this article, we will show you how to download and run R scripts for Power BI, and what benefits you can get from using them.
What are R Scripts for Power BI?
R scripts are snippets of code that you can write or import in Power BI Desktop or Power BI service to create R visuals or transform data. R visuals are interactive charts or graphs that you can create using R packages and functions. You can use R visuals to display complex data patterns or relationships that are not available in the standard Power BI visuals. For example, you can use R visuals to create box plots, histograms, heat maps, decision trees, etc.
R scripts can also be used to transform data in Power BI Desktop using the Query Editor. You can use R scripts to apply custom calculations, filters, transformations, or aggregations to your data. You can also use R scripts to connect to external data sources that are not supported by Power BI natively. For example, you can use R scripts to connect to web APIs, scrape web pages, read text files, etc.
download r script for power bi
How to Download R Scripts for Power BI?
To use R scripts in Power BI Desktop, you need to install R on your local machine. You can download and install R for free from many locations, including the Microsoft R Application Network and the CRAN Repository. The current release of R scripting in Power BI Desktop supports Unicode characters and spaces (empty characters) in the installation path.
After installing R, you need to enable R scripting in Power BI Desktop by following these steps:
From the Power BI Desktop menu, select File > Options and settings > Options.
On the left side of the Options page, under Global, select R scripting.
Under R script options, verify that your local R installation is specified in Detected R home directories and that it properly reflects the local R installation you want Power BI Desktop to use.
To use R scripts in Power BI service, you don't need to install anything on your machine. However, you need to make sure that the R packages and functions that you use in your scripts are supported by the Power BI service. You can find a list of supported packages here. If you use an unsupported package or function, your R visual will not render in the Power BI service.
How to Run R Scripts for Power BI?
To run R scripts for Power BI Desktop, you have two options: creating an R visual or using the Query Editor.
To create an R visual in Power BI Desktop, follow these steps:
Select the R Visual icon in the Visualization pane to add an R visual.
In the Enable script visuals window that appears, select Enable.
A placeholder R visual image appears on the report canvas and the R script editor appears along the bottom of the center pane.
In the Values section of the Visualization pane, drag fields from the Fields pane that you want to consume in your R script.
Write or paste your R script in the script editor window. You can use any type of R packages or functions without limitation.
Select Run script to execute your script and display your visual on the report canvas.
To use an R script in the Query Editor in Power BI Desktop, follow these steps:
In Power BI Desktop, select Get data > Blank query.
In the Query Editor window that appears, select Home > Advanced Editor.
In the Advanced Editor window that appears, write or paste your R script. You need to start your script with =R.Execute(â and end it with â).
Select Done to run your script and load your data into Power BI Desktop.
To run an R script for Power BI service, you need to publish your report from 06063cd7f5